Saturday, 16 November 2013

slip stitch / blind stitch

A slip stitch / blind stitch is a common and excellent hem stitch. It is used when you don't want visible stitches. We use slip stitch / blind stitch for fastening two pieces of fabric together from the right side without the thread showing. Usually, I use it for closing an opening of a pillow, attaching the body and the parts of a sock doll, sewing a seam from the outside of a garment, and other soft finishing.

How I do the slip stitch / blind stitch

Thread the needle and tie a knot at the end. Insert your needle from the fold.

Pull the thread through so the knot is hidden in the fold.

Insert the needle into the opposite layer directly across from where the needle just came out. Insert the needle and run the needle through about 1/4" from the insertion point.

Pull the thread through to bring the fold and the layer closer together.

Reinsert the needle directly across from where the needle just came up out of the fabric. Run the needle through the fold again another 1/4" or so and come up.

Pull the thread through to bring the fold and the layer closer together.

Repeat these steps, you will see the outcome as shown in the picture.

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