Thursday 10 April 2014

Make One (M1) Increase stitches

Apart from the methods shown in my last post, my another favorite increase method is called "Make One", abbreviated as  (M1). This is an invisible increase. It is not hard, just do it by picking up the strand/yarn between two stitches and knit.

Sometimes, we need to make right-slanting stitches and  left-slanting stitches on knit side or purl side of the knitting piece to create certain patterns when we knit increase stitches. Then, we should know how to knit Make one Right (M1R) & Make One Left (M1L) on the knit side and the purl side of you knitting piece. M1R stands for Make One Right-slanting stitch and M1L stands for Make One Left-slanting stitch.

 Make One Right and Make One Left on the knit side (M1R-K) & (M1L-K)

a.) Make One Right on the knit side (M1R-K).

1.) The first photo show the horizontal strand/yarn between two knit stitches.

2.) Insert the left needle tip from back to front into the strand/yarn between the two stitches. Now, you have a new stitch on your left needle.

3.) Insert your right needle tip to the front loop of the new stitch from front to back.

4.) Knit it as usual and slip it off from the left needle.

You have increased one right-slanting knit stitch on the knit side of your piece.

b.) Make One Left on the knit side (M1L-K).

1.) The first photo shows the horizontal strand/yarn between two knit stitches.

2.) Insert the left needle tip from front to the back into the strand/yarn between the two stitches. Now, you have a new stitch on your left needle.

3.) Insert your right needle tip to the back loop of the new stitch from front to back.

4.) Knit it as usual and slip the stitch off the left needle.

You have increased one left-slanting knit stitch on the knit side of your piece.


 Make One Right and Make One Left on the purl side (M1R-P) & (M1L-P)

a.) Make One Right on the purl side (M1R-P).

1.) The first photo shows the horizontal strand/yarn between two purl stitches.

2.) Insert the left needle tip from back to front into the strand between the two stitches. Now, you have a new stitch on your left needle.

3.) Insert your right needle tip to the front loop of the new stitch from back to front.

4.) Purl it as usual and slip the stitch off from the left needle.

You have increase one right-slanting purl stitch on the purl side of your piece.

b.) Make One Left on the purl side (M1L-P).

1.) The first photo shows the horizontal strand/yarn between two purl stitches.

2.) Insert the left needle tip from front to back into the strand/yarn between the two stitches. Now, you have a new stitch on your left needle.

3.) Insert your right needle tip to the back loop of the new stitch from back to front.

4.) Purl it as usual and slip the stitch off from the left needle.

You have increased one left-slanting purl stitch on the purl side of your piece.

**Note :
If your patterns do not required any specific M1, then you can use the default version of M1 or choose whichever one you prefer to work.

To do an default version of  M1 increase stitch, just do the same as the M1R method, the only thing which is different is knit/purl it into the back loop instead of the front loop. This method will create a small hole (eyelet) on your knitting piece.

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